Use of the penal system by women victims of partner violence.

  • Blanca Esmeralda Brito Herrera
  • Verónica Yesenia Valencia Vargas
  • Katherine Tatiana Troya Terranova
  • Rosa Leonor Maldonado Manzano
Keywords: Withdrawal, woman victim, violence, justice, integral reparation


The justice system is aware of being part of the change in the structure of a macho society; therefore, it deals with cases of contraventions or crimes related to violence against women on a daily basis. The investigation drew on the experience of the jurisdictional and technical staff of the "Multicompetent Judicial Unit of the Puebloviejo canton", Los Ríos province, Ecuador, from a psycho-social and legal approach to cases of violence, aimed at finding support mechanisms that will help to resolve a conflict that affects the health of a society. In such a way, that it is necessary to identify the causes that affect the withdrawal of the complainant and the use of justice as a protection mechanism.
