The Codification, the Plurinational State, Decoding and Recoding.

  • José Gabriel Rivera López
  • Pamilys Milagros Moreno Arvelo
  • Diego Raúl Gallardo Falconí
  • Orlando Iván Ronquillo Riera
Keywords: Coding, Decoding, Recoding and Plurinationality


This article reviews the movements of codification, decoding, recoding and the irruption of plurinationality, which is a novelty in the Ecuadorian Constitution since 2008. It addresses the concept of codification and explores its limits; the role of concordances in interamerican codifications seen from the perspective of the legislator, independence, to plurinationality, as elements that give it its characteristic and differentiating features, the importance of the decoding process and the appearance of recoding as a phenomenon from which Latin America does not escape. Ecuador is the last of the countries to become a republic, in 1830 when it became independent from Greater Colombia.
