Strengthening cultural and gastronomic identity from Guava (pesidium guajava) and Raspabalsas fish (Isoloricaria spinosissima) in Quevedo, province of Los Ríos, Ecuador.

  • Mario Estuardo Cartagena Herrera
  • Ana Isabel Utrera Velázquez
Keywords: ancestral gastronomy, traditional products, ancestral products, gastronomic identity


The endemic products and their elaboration techniques are in a state of loss due to the lack of continuity of the new generations that are the protagonists of the gastronomic enterprises. The social transformations have led to the loss of customs and eating habits, so the incentive to rescue the products of the Ecuadorian cuisine in each region strengthens the cultural identity. The purpose of this research is to strengthen the gastronomic culture of Quevedo County, Los Ríos Province in Ecuador, through the use of techniques in the preparation of soups as a characteristic of food customs from products such as Guava and Raspabalsas fish, which tend not to be used in current gastronomy.
