Prevalence and factors associated with malnutrition in pediatric patients hospitalized in the pediatric service of the Alfredo Noboa Montenegro Hospital.

  • Nancy Clara Verano Gómez
  • Fernando De Jesús Castro Sánchez
  • Lester Wong Vázquez
  • Lázaro López Fernández
Keywords: Malnutrition, Risk factors, Chronic malnutrition


Malnutrition is the result of an alteration between the needs and intake of nutrients leading to undernutrition or obesity, which are influenced by biological, socio-economic or environmental factors that predispose to the appearance of pathologies and put life at risk. The prevalence of malnutrition problems and the factors that influence their appearance in patients hospitalized in the Pediatric Service of the Alfredo Noboa Montenegro Hospital was determined. A strategy was proposed through trainings and delivery of triptychs to make the population aware of these health problems and that they can apply preventive measures, which will help reduce the incidence of pathologies, future complications and improve the quality of life.
