Strategic planning to improve the marketing of Cocoa in the Agroalava del Empalme Company.

  • Sergio Sixto González Rodríguez
  • Lisenia Karina Baque Villanueva
  • María Azucena Mendoza Alcívar.
Keywords: strategic planning, marketing, market.


The research carried out at Agroalava S.A. in El Empalme was aimed at developing planning strategies to improve the marketing of Cocoa in the organization. The methods used included the use of a retrospective, transversal, statistical, descriptive and observational non-experimental study. Marketing strategies were drawn up to boost sales levels, to achieve higher profits and to position the organization in the market. Finally, the conclusions outlined the strategic planning to increase the commercialization of the organization, based on well-defined strategies to increase income, and consolidate the management of processes and optimal use of resources.
