Determining factors in the economic development of smes in Santo Domingo.

  • Franklin Gerardo Naranjo Armijo
  • Julio Adrián Alvarado Vélez
  • Ricardo Antonio Balseca Piloso
  • Mario Javier Cabezas Arellano
Keywords: SMEs, companies, economic development, enterprise development, growth


SMEs are the backbone of most of the world's economies and are characterized by their relevance within developing countries, being the main providers of employment sources and responsible for approximately 50% of the Gross Domestic Product. Santo Domingo- Ecuador is a productive city that has a high capacity for growth and improvement. The research was relevant within the quantitative method by collecting data, through the application of surveys to 141 SMEs, explaining the results through statistical data. It is concluded that SMEs play an important role in the local and national economy.
