Financial strategy for urban transportation operators of the city of Tulcán.

  • Nixon Patricio Lastra Calderón
  • Javier Mauricio Lucero Salcedo
  • Danny Mauricio Sandoval Malquín
Keywords: Common Fund, Strategy, Financial, Management, Economy, Popular, Solidarity


The associativity is fundamental to motivate the partners to integrate to the processes as a mechanism of survival in a highly competitive world; this strategy of financial management for the operators called Common Box favors a technical, human and transparent management of the administration of the operators of urban transport of passengers of the city of Tulcan. It is an urgent solution, mandatory since the frequencies are granted by the State; at the moment, the transport service is collapsed, for that reason, a system of financial strategic planning is proposed that is a set of methods, instruments and objectives for the evaluation of an organization, it must contain processes of organization always focused in the satisfaction of the demands of the clients.
