Internalization of character values through Islamic Education. A study at Tanjungpura University of Pontianak.

  • Baidhillah Riyadhi
  • Sofyan Sauri
  • Yadi Ruyadi
Keywords: value, character, moral, internalization


This study aims to find the concept of internalizing character values through Islamic religious education at Tanjungpura University Pontianak. Using Grounded research method, this research based on facts and uses comparative analysis, which aims to hold empirical generalizations, define concepts, and prove theories. The conclusions of this study are, 1) through the Chancellor's Decree Number 1540 of 2012, at Tanjungpura University of Pontianak, Character Education is integrated in the Religious subject, 2) each student must follow character education in accordance with the religion adopted, and 3) the implementation of Character Education needs to be evaluated and improved, so that it is expected that 5 character values proclaimed by GNRM can be internalized for students well.
