The use of the applications of information technologies and communications in the teaching-learning process in higher education.

  • Juan Carlos Yturralde Villagómez
  • Johana Elizabeth Trejo Alarcón
  • Diana Aurora Chiquito Peñaranda
  • William Andrés Rodríguez López
Keywords: computer applications, Information and Communication Technologies, teachinglearning process


The scientific article reflects on the use of the applications of Information Technology and Communications in the teaching-learning process in higher education. Reflections associated with the role of students and university professors who live in a digital environment and focus on the need for cultural and organizational change are provided. It is assumed that the use of mobile cell phone devices creates new learning conditions and can also induce new ways to continue learning. It is concluded that the use of computer applications converges in the creation and use of educational networks, which is of special interest for higher education.
