Legal analysis of crime prevention in the Comprehensive Criminal Justice System for adolescents in Mexico.

  • Argelia Argentina Torres González
  • Raúl H. Arenas Valdés
  • Gustavo Aguilera Izaguirre
Keywords: Adolescents, rights, criminal justice, restorative justice, crime prevention


This article contains an analysis on how to apply criminal justice in adolescents, based on the principle of the best interests of the child to ensure respect for their rights. The context to be studied is the year 2016, when the National Law of the Comprehensive System of Criminal Justice for Adolescents, until 2020, enters into force in order to observe how the process has been in adolescents from this legal system and how crime prevention is promoted in adolescents. Finally, the  final considerations are presented in order to support the improvement of the application of the comprehensive justice system and ensure the reintegration of adolescents.
