Ethno-cultural analysis of the texts of Turkic epic stories.

  • Nurida Novruzova
Keywords: epos, Dede Korkut, applauses, praises, regional culture


In the article, expressions expressed in wedding, engagement, naming ceremonies, pre-war meetings and gatherings, joyful and sad moments in the ethnic groups and tribes, related to the situation and reasons express the value given to the world and to life by the Turks. Our goal is to analyze their meanings of use and compare the roles of expression, because the ethno-cultural heritage of characters, as well as the genetic memory of the culture, they carried, are expressed and protected in the texts consisting of applauses, praises, and naming rituals used in the Book of Dede Korkut. The ideas of the characters about good and evil are well-expressed in this type of the epic stories.
