Perception of teachers and students of dentistry career, referring to knowledge in Biostadiscs.

  • Addys Parra Cruz
  • Francisco Xavier Dueñas Espinoza
  • Angela Mercedes Murillo Almache
  • Nelly Antonieta San Andrés Plúa
Keywords: Bioeadistics, bioestadistics skills, knowledge perception, scientific production, skills development


The improvement of the level of scientific production in professions in the area of health requires a consistent understanding and application of Biostatistics that allows exposing the results of research and the relationships between the variables under study. With the objective of knowing the perception on the level of knowledge in Biostatistics of teachers and students, a diagnostic study was carried out in the San Gregorio University Dentistry career. A low perception of knowledge in Biostatistics was identified, both in students and teachers, which allows us to propose the application of a training process in Biostatistics skills to the subjects of study.
