Radiological characteristics for the preventive diagnosis of non-hodgkin lymphoma of B-cells with retroperitoneal bulky mass.

  • Johana Elizabeth Zambrano Zambrano
  • Josselyn Valeria Baque López
  • Viorkis Pérez Ortiz
  • Mónica María Zambrano Rivera
Keywords: diffuse non-hodgkin lymphoma of large b-cells, ultrasound, tomography


The case of a 57-year-old patient with a clinical picture of pain at the level of the hypochondrium and right iliac fossa is presented. Imaging studies were carried out, such as ultrasound and tomography, where a large retroperitoneal occupational process with infiltration of the kidney was evidenced; by means of the biopsy that reached the diagnosis of a diffuse non-Hodgkin lymphoma of large B cells. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a neoplasm that affects the lymphatic system, represents 4% of all cancers, and is seventh among all malignancies.
