Imaging diagnosis of a lipoma of the filum terminal. About a case.

  • Mayra Katherine Asmal Meza
  • Richard Andrés Armijos Ramos
  • Lady Julitza López Bailón
  • Jennifer Lyliana Enríquez Briones
Keywords: Dysraphism, lipoma, filum terminal, magnetic resonance imaging


This article details the clinical case of a 24-month-old patient who is referred to the imaging area of the Dr. Julio Villacreses Colmont Hospital, in the city of Portoviejo, for presenting a palpable mass located posteriorly, superior to the intergluteal line. A lumbar spinal lipoma anchored spinal cord syndrome, spina bifida, and occult spinal dysraphism were obtained as a diagnostic impression after lumbar spine magnetic resonance imaging.
