Early detection of breast diseases from the mammography chair.

  • Joshelyn Tamara Cedeño Arteaga
  • Liliam Iris Escariz Borrego
  • Eduardo Rojas Pérez.
  • Maykel Yelandy Leyva Vázquez
  • José Daniel Pérez Escariz
Keywords: cáncer, birads, mammography


A cross-sectional and prospective study was carried out considering a sample of 78 female patients over 40 years of age, from the cities of Portoviejo and Manta chosen randomly, and a mammographic study and interpretation of the results. The predominant age is between 40-50 years. 58% of the patients had no family history of cancer, and 75% had no personal pathological history. Given the analysis of the radiological findings in the mammographic and ultrasound images, 16.66% of patients with high suspicion of breast cancer were identified.
