Clinical epidemiological characterization of the intervened population of cardiac surgery in the city of manta.

  • Galina Orlandovna González Kadashinskaia
  • Ramón Antonio Muñoz Manzaba
  • Giorver Pérez Iribar
  • Verónica Leonor Castillo Salazar
Keywords: cardiac surgery, surgical patient, irrigation factors, comorbidities, nursing care


The scarcity of nursing assessment protocols based on the clinical-epidemiological characteristics of the patient undergoing cardiac surgery prevents its comprehensive approach. A retrospective descriptive cross-sectional study was designed with the aim of describing the clinical-epidemiological characteristics of the patient undergoing cardiac surgery, showing a predominance of males with an average age of 61.7 years. HT, DM and dyslipidemias stand out among the comorbidities. RVM and valve repairs led the surgical procedures, with a mortality of 21.1% and a stay of 3.06 days. Concluding that the determination of the health situation allows the comprehensive approach to the patient and the organization and management of health services.
