Incidence of polypharmacy in the elderly of the "luz y vida" association of health center n° 1 in the city of Tulcán.

  • Yadira Lizbeth Montenegro Morillo
  • Julio Rodrigo Morillo Cano
  • Sara Ximena Guerrón Enríquez
  • María Verónica Aveiga Hidalgo
Keywords: elderly, inappropriate consumption, self-medication, geriatrics, strategies


The objective of the study was to implement educational strategies aimed at compliance with therapeutic adherence and decrease polypharmacy in older adults from the "Luz y vida" Association of Health Center No. 1 in the city of Tulcán. The results determine that 44% of the population are between 65 - 75 years, the female sex is predominant, 45% of the population suffer from cardiovascular diseases, 26% from skeletal and endocrine, nutritional, metabolic pathologies with 15%, 14% respectively, consequently, the magnitude of polypharmacy is considerable and a practice is increasing over time.
