Embryonic rhabdomyosarcoma in a pediatric patient

  • Katiuska Mederos Mollineda.
  • Yaima Beatriz Tabares Cruz
  • Gabriela De Jesús Vásquez Espinosa
  • Kathiusca Paola Echevarría Caicedo
Keywords: Rhabdomyosarcoma, embryo, muscle cells, connective tissue


It is described the clinical case of a 4 year old male patient who suffered eye trauma due to a blow with the rudder of a motorbike in his right eye, presenting pain as days go by and slight protrusion of the eye, receiving symptomatic treatment with unfavourable evolution; so laboratory tests and radiological studies were performed, Due to the findings of the magnetic resonance imaging, it was decided to take a sample for biopsy, initiating urgent treatment with chemotherapy. The diagnosis is embryonic rhabdomyosarcoma, which presents a good prognosis in 70% of the cases with timely and specific treatment.
