The teaching-research-production integration: Essence in the integral training of professionals

  • Deibis Buchaca Machado
  • Adalys Díaz Caraballo
  • Yaima Echevarría Cala
  • Antonio Hernández Alegría
Keywords: teaching-research-production, experimental basic area


The integration of teaching-research-production through the use of the basic experimental area, requires breaking with the fractional and fragmented conception that currently exists, to give way to the establishment of links and relationships between disciplines at an interdisciplinary level, the article provides stages with actions fundamental to be carried out by the teacher that have their specificity in carrying out scientific-productive-teaching tasks to be carried out in the areas so that both their particular objectives and their integration and systematization lead to the expected result in each technician in training, according to the year, a system of relationships is offered that demonstrate the interdependent nature between teaching-research-production, aimed at strengthening environmental education.
