Ethical and civic knowledge in university students: an instrumental proposal for its evaluation.

  • Eréndira Josefina Rodríguez Espinosa
  • Luis Gibran Juárez-Hernández
  • Sergio de Jesús Tobón Tobón
Keywords: expert judgement, knowledge, etic, rubric, content validity


An instrument was designed to assess ethical and civic knowledge in students. The instrument integrates the knowledge of commitment, self-regulation, respect, promotion of rights, assertive communication, honorability, sincerity and valuation of democracy. Subsequently, the instrument underwent expert review, expert judgment and application to a pilot group. The experts made improvements in the writing of the elements of the instrument. In the experts' opinion, all the items were validated in relevance (IVC and V of Aiken> 0.80; ICI> 0.50), and in writing, improvements were identified. The pilot group expressed a good understanding of the elements of the instrument. The process carried out allowed the creation of an instrument with content validity.
