Characterization of the historic evolution of the pre-professional practice and its evaluation in the Bachelor in Accounting and Audit at Quevedo's State Technical University.

  • Karina Patricia Arévalo Briones
  • Yamilka Sosa Oliva
  • Sonia García Jerez
Keywords: practice, evaluation, competition


Pre-professional practice is an essential means for the training of highly qualified professionals, according to the demands of Ecuadorian society. In this context, for the State Technical University of Quevedo (UTEQ), the training of competent professionals committed to social development is a priority to face the challenges of technological development in their jobs. Corresponding to the above, the article aims to discuss the characteristics that preprofessional practice has had and its evaluation in the UTEQ during the period analyzed. The proposal is based on the preparation of a doctoral thesis in Pedagogical Sciences and was obtained with the application of theoretical and empirical research methods.
