Historical evolution of the process of professional formation and the didactic administration of the integrative task.

  • Mario Zamora Pérez
  • Alberto Luis Torres Ferrales
Keywords: agronomy, didactic management, professional training process, integrating task


The objective of this article is to investigate the historical evolution that has had of the process of professional formation and the didactic management of the integrative task in the Technician in Agronomy. In spite of the advances obtained in the process of professional training and the didactic management of the integrative task of the Middle Technician in Agronomy, there are still limitations that demand its urgent elimination: the didactic conception of the integrative tasks does not satisfy the level of integration of the contents that are received in the different years of studies and in the delivery of the agronomic content predominates a conception and fractional practice in contrast to the logic in which the agricultural productive processes are developed.
