Contribution of humility to formal education: analysis based on Max Scheler and Paulo Freire

  • Felipe Nicolás Mujica Johnson
  • Nelly Del Carmen Orellana Arduiz
Keywords: formal education, moral development, philosophy of education, democratic attitude, love


In formal education, the rhetoric of moral values is very common, however, it usually dispenses with an in-depth analysis of their meanings. For this reason, this essay aims to analyze the value of humility and its possible contribution to the pedagogical process. Specifically, from the perspective of intellectuals Max Scheler and Paulo Freire. In this way, it has been recognized that both philosophers associate humility with the act of love and, in turn, by accepting the valuable aspects that transcend the person himself. That is, an antithesis of the pride of moral being and intellectual arrogance. In this sense, this virtue would foster a pedagogical environment consistent with democratic dialogue.
