Method for the integrated appropriation of the content execution of works.

  • Yamilka Sosa Oliva
  • Juana María Lorente Alarcón
  • Sonia García Jerez
Keywords: method, procedure, content, appropriation


This article responds to the need to resolve the methodological inadequacies in the treatment of the content execution of works, which limit their appropriation integrated by the students of the Civil Construction specialty in Cuba. The objective consists in the elaboration of a teaching-learning method, that favors the integrated appropriation of the content execution of works. The proposal is based on the results of a thesis in Pedagogical Sciences and the Technological-Pedagogical Integration project: a challenge of the professional training process in professional technical education. The logic used for the theoretical construction of the method can be used for other technical specialties based on their specificities, which gives it flexibility and transcendence.
