Reflections about the postgrade of History of the Local Education.

  • Josefa Azel Jiménez
  • Víctor José Almanza Tojeiro
Keywords: history, education, learning


The study of the History of Local Education is a pedagogical means for teachers and teachers to come into contact with processes, facts, figures and historical-educational phenomena of the locality. Because of its proximity, it facilitates the understanding of national and universal events; arouses an emotional relationship that contributes to the development of professional motivation, to the interest in learning and imitating the best examples of local personalities. Hence, the importance of teaching the postgraduate course, whose objective is: to expose essential theoretical-methodological aspects to improve the work of the professors responsible for guiding the teaching-learning process of the History of Education in the careers of the pedagogical profile of the University Central "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas.
