A demand in the training process: Education Science Technology and Society.

  • Odmara María Castellanos Yero
  • Deibis Buchaca Machado
  • Antonio Hernández Alegría
  • Omar Félix López Rojas
Keywords: methodology, CTS education, integrative discipline


The article offers a methodology for the strengthening of Science, Technology and Society (CTS) education containing five stages and allows to promote a culture of sustainability, which responds to the economic, environmental and scientific-technological development problems faced in the contemporary society. It enables teachers and engineers in training to extend the radius of action to the context of CTS education and to get involved in solving their problems in the basic units of agricultural production through the activities of the guides to comprehensive labor practice. The application in practice must reach the agronomists in training through the teaching-learning process of the subjects of the main discipline integrating the career.
