The systematization of concepts for discourse in the training of the university professional.

  • Alejandro Arturo Ramos Banteurt
  • María Nila Blanch Milhet.
Keywords: systematization of concepts for discourse, conceptual associations, thematic progression, specialized discursive conceptual progression, didactic attention


This article takes into account that future university career professionals do not always have enough language resources to organize their texts, and then turn them into speeches. For this reason, theoretical foundations are offered about the systematization of concepts for discourse, based on philosophical, sociological, didactic, linguistic and psychological criteria. With this, its analysis is deepened from the system approach, which contributes to guaranteeing the structuring of two subsystems that allow us to understand the didactic attention to the systematization of concepts for discourse. The above is conceived taking as reference the cognitive, communicative and sociocultural approach of the language.
