Gender violence through computer means: impact, advances and challenges in the Ecuadorian penal system.

  • Luis Oswaldo Ordoñez Pineda
  • Maritza Elizabeth Ochoa Ochoa
  • Liliana Del Cisne Correa Quezada
Keywords: gender violence, cyberspace, regulations, control


The present article is the product of an investigation carried out on the basis of a bibliographic analysis, whose objective was to determine the advances and challenges of the Ecuadorian criminal normative regarding the problem of gender violence through computer means, since in Ecuador 6 out of 10 women have suffered some type of violence, it is for this reason that the State as a guarantee entity within a constitutional state of rights, has developed some policies in order to create a normative frame appropriate to the context, in order to raise viable strategies to eradicate all types of gender violence in cyberspace, for which it is necessary, to foster a culture of peace, and to strengthen education as strategies that allow mitigate this problematic.
