The ethical thought of José Martí. Way to form values in students of basic secondary.

  • Anisleidy Reynaldo Vázquez
  • Felicia Lara Pérez.
  • Isabel Julia Veitia Arrieta
  • Bárbara Niurka Martínez Alpízar
  • Jerónima Gardenia Ruiz Rodríguez
Keywords: Ethics, formation of values, students, basic secondary


José Martí's study of ethical thought has ideas about the utility of virtue; it presents personal development through the exercise of knowledge and brotherly love. Marti's ideas constitute an essential formative content in Basic Secondary for the formation of values in students. The research presents a proposal of activities characterized by an integrative conception of knowledge, skills and attitudes, as well as flexibility supported by developer learning. The selected texts take into account the interests of the students. Theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical methods are used. Validation demonstrates its effectiveness in terms of the acquisition of knowledge, development of skills, attitudes and values for the personal development of adolescents.
