Migración y Desarrollo journal: evolution of the public university through scientific publications.

  • Georgia Aralú González Pérez
  • Carlos Bautista Capetillo
Keywords: Migración y Desarrollo journal, bibliometric indicators, Latin-American public university, scientific publications


The scientific quality of the publications is usually measured through internationally adopted bibliometric indicators. From this perspective, the present paper analyzes the evolution of Migración y Desarrollo journal in the period 2003-2018, through the study of quantitative patterns and collaborative work networks. Contributions come from 30 countries, and in a majority proportion, are signed by a single author. Concerning networks, the results show limited collaboration in countries and authors: in the first case only two of them are distinguished; and in the second, although 21 are observed, collaboration in many networks does not exceed four authors. Migration and Development, over 15 years, has promoted critical thinking based on the scientific understanding of the migratory phenomenon.
