Follow-up program for graduates of the Bachelor of Medicine of the Division of Health Sciences of the University of Quintana Roo. Results report.

  • Hugo Alejandro Panting Villalobos Universidad de Quintana Roo
  • María de Lourdes Rojas Armadillo Universidad de Quintana Roo
  • Saúl David Badillo Perry Universidad de Quintana Roo
Keywords: digital quiz, graduate, medicine, results, tracking


The objective of this article is to obtain timely and reliable information that contributes to academic decision-making through the execution of an opinion and professional career study of graduates of the Bachelor of Medicine from the University of Quintana Roo. A descriptive crosssectional design was used, in which a digital questionnaire was applied to 168 graduates, considering indicators such as academic career, insertion in the labor market, development of competences, abilities and skills. After the application, information was obtained from the indicators mentioned previously, concluding that the development of graduate follow-up projects is a useful tool for the continuous improvement of institutional programs and study plans.
