Activities for the study of José Martí’s literary work in Higher Education.

  • José Armando Rosabal Rodríguez Escuela Provincial del Partido Comunista de Cuba
  • Norge Manuel Larramendi Céspedes Universidad de Granma
  • Dayron Ramón Viltres Díaz Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Granma
  • Yanet Mesa Chacón Escuela Provincial del Partido Comunista de Cuba
  • Dayami Ramírez Polanco Universidad de Granma
Keywords: scholar activities, Martí´s work, semi presence


The present investigation was carried out due to the limitations in the study of the Martian work by the students who are studying the Bachelor in Primary Education, in the blended model. For this reason, this instrument aims to: Develop teaching activities, contained in independent work guides, that contribute to the improvement of the study of the work of Marti by the students of the career and study model mentioned above. For this, scientific research methods were used. As main results, teaching activities are offered, contained in independent work guides, conceived for a developmental teaching, which will contribute to a better understanding and assimilation of the teachings implicit in the Martian texts by the students.
