Philosophical approach to the preservation of cultural identity from the formation of geographic culture in the Geography degree, University of Granma.

  • Susel Noemí Alejandre Jiménez Universidad de Granma
  • Maikel José Ortiz Bosch Academia de Ciencias de Cuba
  • Rafael Claudio Izaguirre Remón Universidad de Granma
Keywords: geography, geographical culture, geographical space, context, cultural identity


Faced with the imperialist cultural patterns that impose alienating archetypes of domination of Latin American peoples, the social need to preserve cultural identity is imposed by training competent professionals committed to the mission of universities as scientific, technological and humanistic centers; For this reason, the formation of a geographical culture becomes a career in the Geography Education Degree at the University of Granma, so that it fosters the development of identity attitudes and values in future professionals who are conducive to preserving Cuban cultural identity.
