The treatment of the lexical content, of systemic didactics to discursive didactics in the Spanish-literature trainee teachers in Cuba.

  • Grechel Calzadilla Vega Universidad de Las Tunas
  • Marlen Aurora Domínguez Hernández Universidad de La Habana
  • Luis Daniel Sánchez Ravelo Universidad de Las Tunas
Keywords: Lexicon, vocabulary, communicative competence, treatment of the lexicon, diachronic study


The Didactics of the Language in Cuba has advanced in the last decades, from the assumption of the communicative approach for the teaching and learning of its contents, synthesized in the conception and application of the cognitive, communicative and sociocultural approach, which allows to transit from a systemic didactics to a discursive didactics. The article socializes the results of a diachronic study of the evolution of the treatment of linguistic contents in the training of Spanish-Literature teachers, which revealed inconsistencies around the argumentation of the linguodidactic characteristics of lexical units, which atomizes their treatment and limits in practice an integrative approach to linguistic structures in processes of meaning at the discursive level.
