Educational strategy for the development of self-control in schoolchildren with affective behavioral disorders.

  • Olemma Elvira Diéguez Corría Universidad de Granma
  • Luis Enrique Labrada Estrada Universidad de Granma
  • Yusleidys Rodríguez Aguilar Universidad de Granma
Keywords: affective behavioral disorders, self-control, educational strategy


The special schools in Cuba in which schoolchildren with TAC are educated and instructed go through a transcendental improvement, in order to ensure a quality education. To achieve this end, it is of inescapable value to get these students to self-control their ways of acting in all the contexts in which they find themselves. This is a controversial issue, because despite the existence of various alternatives aimed at making these schoolchildren become self-controlled, practice is showing that the demands of society are still not being met. From this particular becomes the objective of this research, which consists of designing an educational strategy for the development of self-control in schoolchildren with CT scans.
