Cosmopolitan Education as an educational approach to work on inclusion, diversity and emotional bonds in the classroom.

  • Ana Virginia López Fuentes University of Zaragoza
Keywords: Cosmopolitan Education, Cosmopolitanism, Globalization, Emotional Attachment, Reflective Openness


Cosmopolitan Education is an accurate approach to give response to the social and cultural changes of the 21st century. The study of Cosmopolitan Education has been object of research over the last decades with authors such as Martha Nussbaum (1997), Thomas Popkewitz (2009) and David Hansen (2011). This educational approach has emerged as a new paradigm to give response to the globalization challenges that have surfaced inside schools. The intention behind Cosmopolitan Education is to proliferate reflective openness and create an emotional attachment towards the other, other cultures and diversity. The use of Cosmopolitan Education in the classroom facilitates the understanding of difference, an environment of acceptance and equality, while preparing the students for the life outside the schools.
