Shops directed to the families for the correct use of educational methods in school with dysfunctions affective conductuales (TAC).

  • Luis Enrique Labrada Estrada Universidad de Granma
  • Olemma Elvira Diéguez Corría Universidad de Granma
  • Yusleidys Rodríguez Aguilar Universidad de Granma
Keywords: family, educational methods, behavioral affective disorders


The work aimed at preparing families of schoolchildren with TAC is going through a significant moment of improvement, in order to guarantee the successful fulfillment of its social mandate, which includes the empowerment of the entire system of general, specific, corrective and compensatory, in close coordination with the school and the community. The practice is demanding from families a correct use of educational methods in order to transform the behavior of their children and insert them into society. Hence the importance of this research, which proposes the development of workshops aimed at families for the correct use of educational methods in schoolchildren with CT scans.
