Analysis of the critical factors of success of the flipped classroom for the achievement of significant learning in university students.

  • Nydia Eleana Cabezas Elizondo Unidad Educativa Dr. Antonio Parra Velasco
  • Aline Cecilia Paredes Tobar Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
  • Esther Priscila Quispe Sandoval Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
  • Patricia Elizabeth Camacho Abril Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
Keywords: Institutions of Higher Education, educational methods, meaningful learning


The Institutions of Higher Education of Ecuador have adopted new online educational methods to positively influence student learning. The new methods are integrated through software tools, training, and technical methodological guidance to guarantee the achievement of educational objectives. Critical success factors have been identified for significant learning achievement. The objective of this research is to carry out an analysis of the critical success factors of the inverted classroom for achieving meaningful learning in university students. The analysis is modeled using a Diffuse Cognitive Map. As a result, a case study is implemented where significant learning is measured in university students.
