Practice of the critical-creative reflective approach in the social context of the pedagogical companions of the Huánuco Region, Peru.

  • Wilmer Ortega Chávez Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonía
  • Liliam Carola Zevallos Solís Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonía
  • José Luis Sangama Sánchez Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonía
Keywords: Inquiry, criticism, creative reflection


The research, “Practice of the critical-creative reflexive approach in the social context of the pedagogical companions of the Huánuco region” had as its fundamental purpose, to improve the pedagogical intervention in the consultancies and accompaniment of teachers. The study method was phenomenological, hermeneutical with training strategies, and classroom visits, monitoring of the micro workshop and training workshops. It was carried out in the jurisdiction of the 11 provinces and 74 districts of the Huánuco Region. There, they developed competencies, capacities to know, generate, disseminate and use innovation in the actions of the companion, so that the actors can creatively manage and transform the scenarios of their practice and foster a culture of innovation, reaching a 100% conclusion. of pedagogical companions demonstrate efficient performance in training processes.
