Response to COVID-19. Legal approach in terms of the National Civil Protection System, Mexico.

  • Fidel Gómez Ponce Universidad de Tijuana
Keywords: Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil, Gestión Integral del Riesgo, Desastre Sanitario


On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization presents to the world the declaration of a pandemic regarding the SARS CoV2 COVID-19 virus, and the response of Mexico to the health disaster due to the characteristics of the disturbing agent found in the Health Council General, the structure to face the challenges of this pandemic; however, it is not the only way for the Government to organize the response to the COVID-19 health disaster, since within the Mexican legal system, there is a specialized structure in the area of disasters called the National Civil Protection System. The interest in this work is to propose to civil protection an alternative approach to attention to the sanitary disaster derived from COVID-19.
