Impact of mobile devices on nurse-patient therapeutic communication in a public tertiary hospital.

  • Rosario E. Haro Bojórquez Unidad médica de alta especialidad #2 del IMSS
  • Adriana Guadalupe Ruiz Rojas Unidad médica de alta especialidad #2 del IMSS
  • Jesús Roberto Garay Núñez Universidad del Pacifico Norte
Keywords: Therapeutic communication, mobile devices, humanized care


The objective of the research was to describe how the use of mobile devices intervenes in nurse-patient therapeutic communication during their hospital stay in a public tertiary care hospital in ciudad Obregón, Sonora. For the analysis of the study, theoretical references on communication and the therapeutic relationship established by theorists such as Peplau and Watson were used. The methodological approach was qualitative, conducting in-depth interviews and performing content analysis through the symbolic interactionism approach, emerging the meanings of three theoretical categories. Category 1.- Nurse-patient communication, Category 2.- Emotional communication, and Category 3.- Mobile device and nursing practice.
