Methodology for the direction of the teaching-learning process of Marxism Leninism in Cuban universities.

  • Valia Leal Rosales Universidad de Oriente
  • Blanca Cortón Romero Universidad de Oriente
  • Julia Esther Céspedes Acuña Universidad de Oriente
Keywords: methodology, address of the teaching process – learning, to self-manage, professional problems


The analysis of the term methodology in the field of different disciplines, has different meanings or meanings; in the present result it is assumed as the objective and result of the scientific investigation. The authors propose a methodology for the direction of the teachinglearning process of Marxism-Leninism in Cuban universities, which starts from the initial training of the professional. It was used from the systemic approach, contained in the materialist dialectical paradigm and enriched with the contributions of contemporary science. In addition to the hermeneutical in reflections obtained during its conception.
