Acceptance of the diagnosis by the family. A condition that the educator needs to achieve for the adequate social integration of children with disabilities.

  • Zulema Corona Castañeda Universidad de Granma
  • Yusleidys Rodríguez Aguilar Universidad de Granma
  • Yuneykis Roxana Licea Proenza Universidad de Granma
Keywords: Diagnosis, social integration, intellectual light disability


Every family goes through a moment of assimilation to new situations regardless of the stage they are living. If they also receive the eventuality of a minor with difficulties, this new situation would be experienced in a negative and painful way, which tends to destabilize the balance that perhaps had already been achieved. Depending on their flexibility to process the information and the organization shown in the event of the accidental event, so will the help they can transmit to the child. This article highlights the importance of acceptance of the diagnosis by the family to achieve a better social integration of children, adjusted as much as possible, to the demands of society and the influence of the teacher to meet this objective.
