Effectiveness of an educational strategy on breastfeeding in resident doctors of the General Zone Hospital with Family Medicine (HGZ MF2) Irapuato, Guanajuato during the year 2019.

  • Viridiana Morales Pérez Hospital General de Zona con Medicina Familiar No. 2
  • Angélica Ramos Reyna Hospital General de Zona con Medicina Familiar No. 2
  • Iram Loeza Ángeles Hospital General de Zona con Medicina Familiar No. 2
Keywords: Educational strategy, breastfeeding, resident doctor


A research work was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational strategy on breastfeeding in resident physicians of the HGZ MF2 Irapuato, Gto., during the year 2019. It was a quasi-experimental study in 56 1st-year resident physicians of the specialties of pediatrics, internal medicine, surgery, and family medicine through non-probability sampling. Inferential statistics were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test for dependent samples, registering an increase in the post-evaluation with 91.76% (SD ± 4.88), observing a statistically significant increase (p = 0.001) in the knowledge of the resident doctors. The implementation of the educational strategy was observed effective with a significant improvement regarding the benefits of breastfeeding.
