Health education from the complexity in the selection of topics for the reception exams in the training of the Bachelor of Physical Education.

  • Jorge Garduño Durán Escuela Normal de Educación Física “General Ignacio M. Beteta”
Keywords: topic, strategy, training, curriculum, reception document


The research presents the analysis of data on the treatment of the topics of the reception documents of the students of the 2015-2019 generation of the Bachelor of Physical Education, Study Plan 2002, of the Normal School of Physical Education "General Ignacio M. Beteta”, with the intention of knowing what they focus their attention on when choosing the topics, if they emanate from reality, what strategies are used and their convenience, in which areas they locate their topics, on what curricular contents they are supported and their congruence with the topic, as well as the degree of satisfaction that students have with the training they received, the development of the research was guided by the content analysis methodology.
