Family-work conciliation and its relationship with mental health and social support from a gender perspective.

  • Sara Paola Pérez Ramos Puerto Vallarta
Keywords: Conciliation, family, work, mental health, social support


The inability to reconcile work and family life (especially difficult for women) has effects on mental health. A research was carried out with the objectives of 1. Analyze how reconciliation is related to mental health (somatic symptoms, social dysfunction, anxiety and insomnia and depression) and with social support (emotional/informational, affective and instrumental) and 2. Analyze the differences by sex. A sample of 928 workers from the Puerto Vallarta-Bahía de Banderas area was analyzed. The results are that 1. There is a negative relationship between work-life balance and symptoms of low mental health, 2. There is a positive and significant relationship between work-life balance and social support, and 3. Women show higher means in low health symptoms.
