The attempts of armenianization of Nakhchivan by Tsarist Russia.

  • Zamin Aliyev Nakhchivan State University
Keywords: occupation, claim, Greater Armenia, Nakhchivan, Kalbali


The Armenians tried to establish a state after consolidation in the territories where they were moved by Russia. The Armenians deal with the existence of artificial “Armenian state” in IV century. However, such a state did not exist in history, perhaps it was just like a local selfadministrative body. Though Turkmenchai treaty, which victorious Russia urged the defeated Gajar state sign in the first half of XIX century, was considered a chance for the Armenians it brought about the instigation of the national conflicts in South Caucasus later on. The Armenians were settled in Irevan, Kharabakh and Nakhchivan which were integral parts of ancient Turkish land, Azerbaijan. Basing on the historical facts, it is possible to note that Irevan, Kharabakh and Nakhchivan regions were the parts of Azerbaijan geographical terms.
