The meta-teaching-learning of the English language for didactic purposes.

  • Lorna Cruz Rizo Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Eneida Catalina Matos Hernández Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Heidi Marlen Marriott Toledo Universidad de Guayaquil y Universidad Internacional del Ecuador
Keywords: meta-teaching-learning, English language, didactic purposes, learning to teach, teaching to learn


The article conceptualizes the teaching-learning process of the English. language for didactic purposes. From a diagnosis of its current state at the University of Guayaquil and its theoretical systematization, the scientific problem was specified: scientific-methodological fragmentation between linguistic and didactic contents, which limits the integration of the English language teaching training process. Through a quali-quantitative methodology, insufficiencies and theoretical references were specified. Then, the meta-teaching-learning of said process was theoretically modeled; thus, essential categories were revealed based on the relationship between learning, learning to teach and teaching, teaching to learn. Finally, the links that make the transversality and multilateralism of the process viable were established. The process studied already shows a favorable trend.
