The principle of circumstantial connection in the Ecuadorian criminal process.

  • Alberto Leonel Santillán Molina Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Nelly Valeria Vinueza Ochoa Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Cristian Fernando Benavides Salazar Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: legal principle, evidence, circumstantial connection, evaluation of evidence


A principle that links the evidence with the final result of the offense and the intentionality of the agent in a criminal investigation, would provide the necessary analysis tools to carry out a technical study of them. The objective of the work was to explain the importance of the principle of circumstantial connection as a tool for joint analysis of the indicative elements of the offense, using historical-logical and legal analysis as methods, and thus conclude the importance of observing the application parameters such as the causal relationship, indications, criminal act, intentionality of the agent, injury, object of the offense and typical structure, to help the judge reach a reasoned conclusion at the time of its resolution.
