The institutionalization of the anticorruption struggle of the Ecuadorian state 1997-2019.

  • Frankz Alberto Carrera Calderón Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Mario Ramiro Aguilar Martínez Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Bolívar David Narváez Montenegro Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: Ecuador, corruption, transparency, legal norm


Corruption and transparency are two aspects that are closely linked to each other. This article is the result of a research that aimed to elaborate a historical-logical analysis of the process of institutionalization of the anti-corruption fight by the Ecuadorian State since 1997 until the date of the writing of this article. The method used for this research was the historical-logical method, as well as the descriptive analytical method. It was established the form of institutional organization and organizations of prominent people of the society to face the reality, it is mentioned the legal norm created, as well as the digital applications developed.
